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HR Mastermind Membership

Unlock your full potential in human resources and take hold of the enormously impactful role you already possess.

 with Aleta Maxwell
Our next cohort will be starting SOON! These masterminds are kept small by intention and it is first come first serve, so don't delay to get on the waitlist and you will be the first to have access to join!
  • Are you looking to increase your skills in HR?
  • Do you experience situations in which you wish you had a cohort to discuss how to handle best?
  • Do you doubt yourself as an HR expert and wonder if you have what it takes to reach your goals?
  • Are you tired of struggling through difficult conversations and situations and wish you could confidently handle any HR experience that arose?
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Hi, I'm Aleta Maxwell and I know exactly how you feel. I remember beginning in human resources trying to find best practices and develop my skills without the proper support around me.

 I always say HR is a lonely position and this is why I've created this mastermind.

I have gone through the ranks in for-profit and non-profit human resource positions and know there's just not a lot of development opportunities where you can get real-life, practical help and support.

I've been a one-woman HR team, part of a group and eventually leading a team and employee base of 700. There's really no HR situation I have not dealt with and have not learned from. I'm bringing all that expertise directly to you and also creating a support group of individuals going through many of your same experiences.

 My experience in human resources combined with my coaching expertise will help you develop your skills in a safe and confidential environment.
This cohort will be supportive and uplifting in order to serve everyone in the best way possible.

 I'm looking forward to facilitating the mastermind I wish I had years ago!!

"Human resources is a make you or break you position. It has the potential to affect the entire company negatively or positively. Those in human resources need to understand this impact and invest in themselves in order to fulfill their maximum potential. THAT is where the reward is!" - Aleta

Discuss. Absorb. Share. Impact. Lead.

You might be thinking:
  • "I'm very busy and feel over my head already"
  • "I'm intimidated because I'm new to HR and don't know much"
  • "I'm nervous I won't be able to contribute much"
  • "I don't have the money to invest in myself like that"

I absolutely understand all these concerns, which is why I've put ALOT of thought and intention into exactly how this mastermind is executed. 

I'm not saying this will be easy, but it will be WORTH it! The cadence and expectations of this course will be challenging enough to grow but I promise you can do this.

The times in my career that I've grown the most is when I have stepped out of my everyday and invested my time and resources in my own development. You will reap the reward far outweighing the struggle.

Gain the support and confidence you deserve

This mastermind combines group coaching, individual coaching, and online course learning created to provide a clear and direct path to growth and success.

This group will be kept small to ensure the maximum benefit so spots are limited!
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Those on the pre-registration waiting lists will have first access. Don't miss out!

This mastermind is for you IF:

You want to gain confidence in your role and build key skills to succeed 

You want to gain best practice knowledge and you want focused coaching on how to implement in your specific role.

You want to use your influence to positively impact your company

You want to be apart of a positive, uplifting and supportive cohort to gain motivation and a clear vision forward

This mastermind is NOT for you if:

You don't want to invest in yourself or put in the work to grow in your career

You are not willing to be honest and transparent in order to gain the most value

You are looking for a quick fix

You will bring negative or competitive vibes to the group

Companies who have benefited from Uplifting Leadership Coaching and Courses

Happy Clients

What's been said about Uplifting Leadership

"Had the pleasure of working very closely with Aleta for 3yrs. In that time she always demonstrated great leadership, ethics and dedication to her role and company. I attribute alot of my personal success and professional development to her direct and indirect tutelage."
Maria Ramson, SHRM-CP
"I never thought a career coach would be able to teach me anything that I didn't already know about myself. Living through transition period in my life, I took chance and scheduled my first call with Aleta. We spoke about gaining some clarity on a number of issues related to my values and priorities. I am forever grateful to have moved forward with coaching. Aleta's insight and intuition are a gift. She is caring and supportive and has motivated me to dig deeper in my self-evaluation. I look forward continuing my journey to achieve what were once hard to reach goals and now appear to be quite attainable."
Dawn Moynihan, PHR, SHRM-CP
"10x results and still climbing. Aleta's approach to executive coaching is kind, self-reflective, motivating and challenging. She is professional, approachable and shrewd. She sees beyond the challenges and gets to the root cause of an executives mind. I 100% recommend her services. She will take you to the next level. I look forward to continuing my growth and learning from her."
Mariagrazia Indenbosch

What you will gain from this Mastermind and Course

Skillset Development

Develop the skills which will enable you to be a rockstar in HR 

Group Support 

Be a part of a small group of individuals in human resources focused on uplifting and supporting eachother

Tools for Best Practices

With online learnings every month you will pack your toolbox with best practices and you will gain the confidence to utilize them

Personal Coaching

You will receive one-on-one coaching with Aleta which will be completely customized to your needs and development

Clear Vision

Throughout the cohort, you will clarify your vision of what success looks like for you

Action Plan for Success

Once you have clarified a vision for yourself, you will build an actionable plan customized to your goals

Safe Space of Camaraderie

Gain valuable support in a safe and confidential space filled with a small group of fellow human resource companions

Expert Guidance

Take advantage of Aleta's 25 years of experience and expertise and let her guide you through this intentional and strategic path to growth
Whether it's creating courses and coaching groups or coaching one-on-one, Aleta is passionate about supporting leaders to impact their culture and drive measurable results at every level of the organization.

Let's Start Your Transformation Now!

Here's exactly what's included in your 10 month Premium Program 

  • 10 monthly, 2 hr, virtual live group coaching and mastermind sessions with a certified leadership coach ($10,000 value)

  • Monthly learning modules on a private course platform for ongoing development ($2,000 value)

  • 1-hr, one-on-one targeted coaching per month ($3,000 value)

  • Enneagram assessment and review ($250 value)

  • Access to Cloverleaf platform for daily coaching and tips based on your Enneagram Assessment ($1000 value)

  • Copy of Aleta's book, "Uplifting Leaders: How to Have Difficult Conversations that Motivate and Inspire"

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  • On-demand email and text support M-F 9am-5pm

  • Risk-free 100% satisfaction or your tuition back

  • Access to your Mastermind cohorts to help stay accountable to your action plan 

  • Brainstorm and strategize with other HR professionals in a confidential and safe space

  • Get the answers and support you need


Option 1

$500 per month
(excluding July and December)

Option 2

$4500 one time fee
($500 in savings)
Our HR Mastermind Program bundle is worth over $16,000 USD. 
But that is not what you will invest! 

Can my company sponsor the program?

Yes, we would love for companies to invest in their employees by supporting their development with this program!
Typically, organizations have discretionary funds available for training and professional development.

You can request sponsorship following your internal process, which varies by employer.

As a point of reference, identify the specific benefits your employer will receive by you attending this training and how it will improve your role.

You may also provide this website, www.UpliftingLeadership.com, with the details about our program.

If you need additional support, please email us at info@upliftlead.com
I get such joy watching my clients have their own “lightbulb” moments! These are the moments that bring clarity, focus, and vision for their future. These moments come from self-realization and help catapult my clients to the next level of their professional careers. It is an honor to journey with them and witness their “lightbulb” breakthroughs!
Aleta Maxwell
Owner & Founder