Managing Time for Leaders

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Course overview

When you complete this course, you will know how to:

  • Understand the four different time quadrants and how to plan your time accordingly

  • What being on time means and how your timeliness impacts your team

  • How to handle schedule requests for time off

  • How to prioritize for success

  • How to pivot well

  • When and how to seek help

  • Video time: 1.5 hours

What's included?

  • 5 Video Lessons
  • 1 Certification
  • 5 Quizzes
  • 1 PDF Workbook

Take Control of Your Time 

Learn how to create rhythms and boundaries in your days in order to lead from a place of intentionality instead of reactivity.

Gain Margin and Energy

By honing the skill of effective time management, you will have more margin in your days and will feel less burn out.

Aleta Maxwell

Content Creator, Executive Coach, Author
Aleta is the author of the new must-read for leaders: Uplifting Leaders: How to Have Difficult Conversations that Motivate and Inspire.
With more than 25 years of experience in highly competitive work environments in both the hospitality industry and non-profits, Aleta has successfully implemented and perfected a servant-leadership style with the ultimate goal of ensuring employees feel seen, heard and appreciated for the skills they bring to the table.